Wednesday 6 April 2011

I look on...

I looked at the mirror
I looked at the mirror again tonight.

I looked at myself after pretty long,
I looked at how I look now.
I looked if anything had to be fixed,
I looked interested in myself, and how!
I’d never really been a Narcissist, but
I brushed with the sense after pretty long.

I used to gaze at the reflection for hours,
I used to look on until my look was fine.
I used to ask the mirror if I’d be looked at
I used to smile for the gentry that would dine.
And then, my muse was gone.
Along; had gone plenty.

I lost much, and in that was my mirror.
I was brought a new one, framed, and well lit.
I looked at it and wondered, for whom?
I was told to move on, but I rarely looked at it.

Today, was it?
Or has it been for a while?
I spoke interestedly and listened to the replies,
I smiled and kept it, till I walked home.
I looked at the mirrored face and yes, time flies.
I hooked the mirror on a wall,
I look at the mirror today and
I remember the bygone fall.

I look hesitant, I sigh for the dawn,
I look at the mirror to see a missing scar,
I look, and there’s still in me that fawn.
I look at new grey in the hair, but that wouldn’t mar.
I look on;
I’ll love the old look for on, but
I would look on for my look from now on.


Amruta said...

as usual...needless 2 say....brilliant work.....

Rajan said...

thanx amruta!!

Anonymous said...

I have been looking deep
deep very deep
and I found my mirror is shining
shining in the sun
its a plain theory
but I love it for being plain
its the reflection
the reflection of me
a new me
the one who has moved on
but what remains same here
I can see that
and that is the shadow
the shadow of her
behind my reflection
every time I see it
I fall in love
love that is a reflection
a reflection of my feelings
feelings that I have hidden
hidden somewhere deep
deep very deep.

Rajan said...

hey Anonymous,..
thats so lyrical,so simple, though so beautiful,..
it may as well bear the name of ur face in the mirror!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rajan.
The mirror is just a bit transparent and it is trying to arrange a coating behind it so that it could reflect the name of my face.

Unknown said...

Just AWESOME...!!
left me speechless..

Rajan said...

thanx sir!!
glad you liked it.