Tuesday 27 October 2009

Dynamic Alternations: cycle of life!

For those who breathe under the endless burden of life’s problems.
For them who crave for an existence without troubles.
For those who feel they have been singled out.
For those who are sick of their daily trifles and turbulence.
For all who dream of an immaculately peaceful and perfect life ahead!

A faint smile painted and I heave a sigh of relief,
The sun is up as I inhale the cool breeze.
Lock it now, whisper I. lock it till eternity.
Let none touch it now. Touch! for its perfect beauty.
I’d sat cross legged by the lake. I’d paced on the terrace.
I cried dry eyed. I craved to scream, scream out my face.
Sobbed sans noise, insulated was I, marooned all alone.
Gazed at the stars, wondered why, wondered what would atone.
Held my head, took a breath for I had heard-
Deep breaths help, don’t know if that worked.
Calmed I the inside of me, that wept like a baby;
Inside was the whirlpool that threw all astray.
One counted I, second followed; thought the third.
They were turmoil of my life, problems that stole my mirth.
One I could unravel, two was all His will as vanished the third.
Half tangible, and half were children of my wandering head.
Exhaled it out heavily, resolved a few remedies.
Wiped away I the unseen tear, and dusted the creases.
Down I went to bed with yet another, a prayer.
Prayer, to Him for all my soul’s axles to repair.
The sun is up as I inhale the cool breeze.
A faint smile painted and I heave a sigh of relief,
Lock it now, whisper I. lock it till eternity.
Let none touch it now. Touch! For it’s perfect beauty.
Chuckled I, as the world smiled and all fell into place,
Giggled I, for life I realized was nothing but a  race.
Those scars and scarlet wounds, those sighs of relief;
Alternate cycles form Life, untouched beauty is brief.

Concrete or figment of my head, troubles carry me ahead.
I can't lock the beauty forever, for static, they call it dead!

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