Thursday 4 February 2010

When ways part...

We stood together basking in the sun.

Giggled and laughed and cribbed in the run.

A movie out. 2a.m., our stomachs craved for bun.

Even in tears we smiled and made fun.

We grew and there was a rush.

Time, I don’t know how, elapsed in a hush.

Duties called and in directions opposite we did dash.

Crawling to our centre point I saw all in a mash.

You phoned and found that I knew you were bound.

I sat whistling, crooning, knowing you’d take a round.

CFC in my room, and glistened blitz around you loud.

Waited I with friends and denser got between us the cloud.

As if in a fast paced film, I couldn’t get of you even a gaze.

Flashing lights, blaring sounds, glimmer added to your race.

New air and new names revolved now, you had new ways.

People, places, positions, priorities new; we’d long left our days.

Silent now, I scan the scene when all is done,

Earlier too some souls close, climbed and were gone.

I wait patiently; see your fate, if you return in dawn,

Or with names new you remain, or ditched, stand a winner alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let this be a wild guess: you seem be missing the sound part of your own and the thing that you consider as sound is a noise which is hammering your head plus you do not wear goggles, now I am wrong.